Monday, September 12, 2011

Palm Beach Sheriff Ric L. Bradshaw is awarded the Criminal Justice Leadership Award

Sheriff Ric Bradshaw is the recipient of this year’s Criminal Justice Leadership Award. The award was created in 1998, and since its inception has only been presented to one other recipient in 2002.

Sheriff Ric Bradshaw is the recipient of this year’s Criminal Justice Leadership Award. The award was created in 1998, and since its inception has only been presented to one other recipient in 2002.The primary purpose of the association is education through seminars, written materials and electronic media.

Sheriff Bradshaw is responsible for leading the largest law enforcement agency in Palm Beach County, and has a successful track record spanning 40 years in law enforcement.

In the last 3 years Bradshaw has been instrumental in the creation of the Palm Beach County Multi-Agency Sexual Predator Unit, the Prescription Drug Diversion Task Force, The Multi-Agency Public Corruption Task Force and the Multi-Agency Gang Unit. All of these enforcement initiatives have been used by other entities in the state as models for cooperation and results.

PBC State Attorney Michael McAuliffe nominated Sheriff Bradshaw for the FPAA Leadership Award. “As the Sheriff’s crime fighting partner, I know personally how much Ric contributes to the community and the state. I am proud of Ric and his office.”, said McAuliffe.

Click here to read Sheriff Ric Bradshaws full bio.